Fiction Addiction

Read. Write. Review.

now have


Giving feedback:

Please be kind. Some writers lack confidence in their skills, so try to be diplomatic and tactful. On the other hand, we do value honesty.
Think how the writer can learn from you and give practical ways of how the story can be improved.
It would be useful for the reader to know what genre the story is – romance, twist in tale, ect plus a word count is helpful too.

You can give as much feedback as you want.
Of course, there’s no guarantee of success – but you never know! Bear in mind the writer’s target market.
We send every member our feedback on all work, as we don’t want to leave anyone out.
If a piece of work clashes with another being sent out, don’t worry. We will all catch up eventually!

Maintaining Confidentiality: THIS IS IMPORTANT!
Our names and e-mails addresses will be kept confidential within Fiction Addiction, and we agree not to pass them on or sell to any other outside party, as we don’t want to be bombarded with offers of writing courses, ect.

Completely FREE of charge. All it costs is your time and effort.

If you haven’t got time to give feedback, because of work, family, holidays, ect please drop us all a quick line explaining this.
We all have other commitments and we should all understand. If, any time you are unable to contribute, please let us all know.

If you send your story to several people in FA, you have more than one witness to say that the story is yours. You can easily prove copyright by the date stamp on your e-mail and PC.
If this worries you, don’t send work – just correspond!

What we don’t accept:
Full length plays and novels
Children’s fiction
Science fiction
Any non- fiction, such as articles, features, ect.


Magazines we write for
  • Best
  • Take a Break's Fiction Feast
  • Woman's Weekly (WW)
  • Woman's Weekly fiction special
  • The People's Friend (PF)
  • The People's Friend fiction special
  • Plus any seasonal specials for the above publications
  • Yours
  • The Weekly News
  • That's life Fast Fiction (Australia)

How to Join
Read the FAQ and the guidelines pages. Then, if you are happy with what you read, please email me at:

Magazine writing opportunities
Details of magazines that are looking for letters, fillers and tips


Woman’s Weekly - Gaynor Davies
Take a break – Norah McGrath
The Weekly News – Jill Finlay
Yours – Marion Clarke
My Weekly pocket novels – Maggie Seed
The People's friend – Shirley Blair

Fiction guidelines for writers
To obtain FREE fiction guidelines, contact the magazines via snail mail with the name above.
The Weekly News, Yours, The people’s Friend and Woman’s Weekly can send these via e-mail.

If you have any updated information regarding above, please contact me.